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Ciara Tuite - Visual Artist / Writer

Ciara Tuite
Oct 31, 20246 min read
After the Fact and Future Stuff
Reflection: If you are not active on instagram are you even an artist in this modern world? Since my solo show ended over 3 months ago, I...
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Ciara Tuite
Jan 3, 20222 min read
Travel & Art
How the Past influences the Present? I never would have thought that a random trip to Gran Canaria, initiated by my desire for randomness...
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Ciara Tuite
Dec 31, 20212 min read
Seeing Something in Everything
What Inspires the Artist in Me? I guess this might be where I would tell you to go follow me on Instagram and that might sum this...
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Ciara Tuite
May 4, 20202 min read
Do Monks have Egos?
Today I sat and stared at Skellig Rock, alone, that twin pinnacled crag shooting up out of the turquoise waters. I thought about the...
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Ciara Tuite
Apr 15, 20202 min read
The Return of the Seal
10am on a tuesday, quarantine - lockdown isn't a term that exists in the head of an artist. Lockdown is living. I kneel at the edge of...
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Ciara Tuite
Apr 1, 20202 min read
We are no fools on Aprils fool Day
I am sitting staring at a mountain and its presence is the only white noise that exists in my realm - and the birds, I hear the birds...
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Ciara Tuite
Mar 16, 20204 min read
So the toilet paper is sold out in Tesco and the shelves have never been as empty. Perhaps the last time this happened was during the...
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Ciara Tuite
Mar 15, 20202 min read
I write because........
My writing gives me wings and if you were to see the thoughts in my head that sizzle if they don't get down on the page, I would probably...
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Ciara Tuite
Mar 13, 20203 min read
The Real you Wants Real Connection
So I was thinking about this theory. Is it easier to engage and hide behind a filter that is social media than it is to actually go and...
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Ciara Tuite
Mar 8, 20202 min read
Blood (Happy International Women's Day)
This is fitting for Internationals Women's Day
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